The Relevance of Women as Leaders
The New York Times recently published an article citing a study that showed most of us (including women) will draw a male if asked to make a
The Relevance of Compassion In the Workplace
The workplace is a mess. Over 50% of American workers are disengaged and frustrated. And despite their best intentions, each disengaged...
Backstabadyl: Not Everyone Means You Well
I’m a big fan of compassion, understanding, and appreciation. I’m also a sucker for stories of redemption and reconciliation. It’s part...
Relevant HR: We Backed a Winner!
Develop talent and fill your recruiting pipeline with great people
Coach As Obstacle
Know your style and find a coach who matches it. If you decide to leverage a coach, ensure that you feel it’s a good fit.
Relevance and Personal Strengths
Another tip to help you manage your relevance in the workplace.
Relevance and the Short List
Tip 1 for Managing Relevance Overload You can’t possibly know it all, so stop trying. Part of staying relevant is staying on top of...
In the Absence of Workplace Relevance
When people stop learning, lose curiosity, ignore their professional community, and focus entirely on the weeds of day to day business,...
What's a Workplace Dinosaur?
Being a workplace dinosaur is not about age or any other unchangeable characteristic. Also, it isn’t about technical literacy. Relevance...
What is workplace relevance?
Relevance in the workplace is a snapshot of our contribution level as experienced by others. It is not a static achievement like a...